Higgins has equipment that can directional bore from 1" up to 24" diameter & trac up to 65' deep.

Specialize in the installation of:
- Coax, Copper, Fiber Systems
- Conduit
- Geothermal
- Gas, Water, Sewer & Service Lines
- Rodding and Roping
- DOT Fusion certified
- Manhole & handholes

Directional Boring
- Avoids open extraction
- No road or landscape repair
- No traffic delays
- Impact on ecosystem is reduced

Higgins provides underground utility construction services to utility companies, contractors and individuals.

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is an established process that is fast, economical and dependable.  HDD. a trenchless technology, can also help reduce the surface damage and consumer inconveniences that are often created by open-cut excavations.

The Benefits of HDD:

  • Helps provide productive access to confined installation sites
  • Helps reduce surface damage and restoration costs
  • Helps minimize irritating disruptions to area businesses, motor vehicle traffic, and community residents
  • Helps eliminate pipe settling problems
  • Helps improve overall installation speed, efficiency and cost-effectiveness
  • Is a proven, effective technique for new installations and replacement projects while producing computerized as - builds.

Pipe and conduit construction has historically meant digging an open trench, laying pipe or conduit, and covering it up.  However, when projects are in older, highly developed areas, excavation can be disruptive; the potential always exists for damaging surface improvements, impeding traffic, and interfering with the everyday activities of local residents.

In addition, once the pipe is in the ground, repairing streets, driveways, sidewalks and other paved surfaces, along with restoring landscaping, can be time consuming and costly.

Now there is an alternative to the traditional "open cut" installation process for water, sewer, gas, electric and communication projects.  Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is an option that is rapidly growing in popularity due to its cost-effective ability to install pipe in congested areas quickly, accurately and neatly. 

HDD installation is the completion of a precisely guided pilot hole.  This involves bringing the drill bit and drill head to a specified exit point, either at the surface or in a manhole or exit pit. HDD first gained popularity in the telecom installation markets.  Because of deteriorating water and sewer systems are usually found in well-established urban or suburban areas, open-cut excavation can be difficult, if not impossible, and expensive.  HDD offers a logical and productive solution.

Due to advances in on-grade technology and a growing acceptance of the trenchless construction process by public works engineers, HDD is now being used to help new installations proceed faster and easier.

For a free estimate and more information, call 419-867-1285

Members of :

International Ground Source Heat Pump Association
The Blue Book
Ohio Workman’s Compensation
Drug Free Workplace and 10 Step Programs
Toledo Chamber of Commerce
Ohio Chamber of Commerce
Toledo Home Remodelers  Association
Women Business Enterprises Certification


General Phone: 419-867-1285
U*Cart Phone: 419-861-3701
Fax: 419-867-3474
24 hr. Emergency: 419-466-7044
eMAIL: hsmi@accesstoledo.com


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